To calculate pay with locality. Locality pay tables for geographic areas.
Rest of united states (consisting of those portions of the united states and its territories and possessions as listed in 5 cfr 591.205 not located within another locality pay area.) The chart below is the 2024 general schedule pay table, with washington dc’s 33.26% locality raise applied to the base pay rates.
For The Locality Pay Area Of Washington.
For more information about the structure of the xml files available below, please see the data dictionary
2022 General Schedule (Gs) Pay Tables.
This special rate table includes locations where applicable general schedule locality rates of pay exceed the special rates of pay at certain grades and steps.
Images References :
For The Locality Pay Area Of Washington.
The general schedule pay raise this year was 4.7%.
Incorporating The 4.7% General Schedule Increase And A Locality Payment Of 18.66%.
For a detailed calculation of your pay as a gs employee in utah, see our general schedule pay calculator.